Car accidents are some of the most commonly cited causes of personal injury and death each year in the United States. When compared to other developed nations in the world, the United States consistently has some of the highest numbers of crashes that have deadly outcomes. A report out of the World Health Organization shows that the United States has a fatality rate from automobile accidents that is almost 50% higher than many countries in Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and Japan.
Still, the number of people dying in car accidents across the globe is not slowing down. Each year there are an estimated 1.3 million and more deaths from car accidents. For people aged five to 29, car accidents are a leading reason for death taking place.
If you were injured in a crash in or near Virginia Beach, it may be possible to recover your losses by filing a Virginia personal injury claim. The Virginia Beach car accident lawyer at Virginia Beach Injury Law can advise you of your options for compensation.
Are Drivers Becoming More Reckless?
If the trends of deadly car accidents across the nation continue, it would appear that drivers are more inclined to be reckless when behind the wheel. There were 8,730 people that lost their lives in the United States in the first three months of 2021 according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. These thousands of deaths show a 10.5% increase from deaths by car accidents in the first three months of 2020.
Driving declined in the first three-month period of 2021. What this means is that even though there were far fewer drivers on the road in 2021 than in 2020, the increase in deadly crashes indicates that the drivers that did go out, were more likely to engage in risky driving behaviors. Speeding, not wearing seatbelts, and impaired driving were some of the reckless driving patterns that contributed to the traffic accident deaths.
In the state of Virginia in 2020, there were 105,600 crashes. These accidents produced 847 fatalities and 52,668 injuries. The death rate in the state in 2020 was 1.14, up from the death rate from crashes in 2019 which was .93.
There were 6,624 crashes that were alcohol-related in Virginia in 2020. These drunk driving crashes lead to 272 fatalities and 3,986 injuries that year. Speeding was responsible for 22,479 crashes in 2020 with speed costing 406 people their lives and injuring 11,528. Not wearing proper restraints was present in 5,016 crashes that produced 343 deaths and 3,591 injuries.
Speak with a Virginia Beach Personal Injury Attorney Today
It is incredibly important to drive safely, defensively, and be alert to your surroundings to minimize the potential for a crash. If you are expecting to drink alcohol, planning your transportation ahead of time can keep you from getting behind the wheel. Unfortunately, not everyone is responsible and preventable accidents continue to occur every day.
If you were injured or if you lost a loved one in a Virginia Beach car accident, please connect with the Hampton Roads wrongful death attorney at Virginia Beach Injury Law for help with your personal injury or wrongful death claim. To schedule a free consultation, please call (757) 802-4662.