
Will Your Virginia Commercial Truck Accident Go to Trial?

Written by: Virginia Beach Injury Law

Commercial truck accidents produce some of the most devastating outcomes, especially for people who are in a much smaller car when the collision takes place. Due to the many people and entities that may be involved and the massive destruction that results from these accidents, victims have the potential for securing very high settlement amounts. A victim can settle their dispute after their truck accident outside of going to court or they may have to take their case to trial. 

Anything can happen during the personal injury claim process and there are no guarantees when a case has to go to court to be litigated. In situations where the courts are involved, the judge will determine which side is credible. If the judge rules in your favor the judge will also determine how much money you will be awarded. Victims of large truck accidents in Virginia Beach must have the most competent and experienced Virginia Beach commercial truck accident attorney on their side. Working with Ron Kramer at Virginia Beach Injury Law means that you will have skilled legal counsel fighting on your behalf to secure the maximum amount of money for a settlement or to ensure you win your case should it go to trial.

What Would Cause Your Virginia Beach Commercial Truck Accident Case to Go to Trial?

Even though 90% of commercial truck accidents in Norfolk won’t go all the way to trial and will come to a settlement before that would be necessary, that still leaves approximately 10% that do go to court. For cases that cannot come to an agreement without the use of court interventions, victims must know that if big trucking companies or cargo manufacturers are included in a personal injury claim they typically have highly paid legal teams representing their interests. This is why it is critical that victims have the best legal representation on their side to be able to fight back against these clever legal teams. Ron Kramer has helped victims of Virginia Beach catastrophic injury accidents obtain fair settlements for a decade. He knows how to manage Virginia Beach commercial truck accident claims effectively.

If you have been victimized in a large truck accident then it is important you obtain as much compensation as you can to cover your current situation and any losses you will face in your future. The Virginia Beach personal injury attorney at Virginia Beach Injury Law can help you do that whether that is through a settlement or from a judgment made at court. Despite the majority of cases not going to court, your attorney will always be prepared just in case it is necessary. 

The following situations may occur which will lead to a court battle:

  • It is very common for Norfolk commercial truck accidents to have many entities who are responsible for some portion of the accident and liable to pay victims. If there are many parties involved in a claim, there will be a back and forth between each to place blame on the other while not accepting their own blame. This will result in an inability to agree and a court date will likely follow.
  • When a victim of a Hampton commercial truck accident obtains a substantial amount of medical treatment for harm that is not critical enough to justify the care, insurance companies are going to have a harder time agreeing on a payment amount that includes those costs.

Speak with a Virginia Beach Personal Injury Attorney Today

When you sustained minor or severe damages from your Virginia Beach traffic accident, call Ron Kramer at Virginia Beach Injury Law to schedule your free, no-obligation consultation at (757) 802-4662.

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