Some of the most catastrophic and deadly traffic collisions that happen, take place with novice drivers. Young drivers, particularly those in the age range of 15-19 are the highest risk group for traffic accidents. This demographic is also three times more likely to be in a fatal crash than people 20 years of age and older. Young people, and males even more so, are more inclined to engage in unsafe driving practices than older drivers. When you add reckless behavior with their inexperience, you can clearly see why this age group is so vulnerable when it comes to being in a crash or causing one.
Due to the catastrophic outcomes that are so often linked to younger drivers, finding the safest car is essential. When a child becomes of driving age, it is likely they can not wait to get their driver’s license so they can get out and enjoy the open road. While some parents will allow their child to use the family car, others choose to purchase a vehicle for their new driver. The most common car that is purchased by parents for their teens is a used vehicle. According to a national survey that interviewed parents of young drivers, 83% of the respondents indicated that they were in the market for a used car for their child.
How Can You Pick the Safest Vehicle for Your Teen Driver?
Allowing your child to drive on their own is necessary for them to get the practice and experience they need to become better drivers. However, it is scary for parents because of the high risk for injury and death that come with driving in general. No one is exempt from an accident and every time you make a trip in your vehicle no matter what age you are, there is the potential that you may be involved in a crash. For teens, though, that risk is amplified.
The state of Virginia allows victims of traffic collisions to file a Virginia personal injury suit to obtain compensation for damages sustained after being hit by another negligent driver. The personal injury claim process in Virginia can be complicated and to be successful at obtaining the most compensation in a claim, victims should be sure to meet with the most experienced Virginia Beach car accident attorney with the strongest track record of success. Virginia Beach Injury Law has the Virginia Beach catastrophic injury attorney that can examine your accident situation and offer the valuable legal counsel necessary to understand what your rights are and what you are entitled to under the law.
If you are a parent that is searching for the perfect car to buy your novice driver, then review these tips issued by the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety:
- Speeding is highly associated with catastrophic and deadly accidents as well as a major problem in younger drivers. Speeding is also illegal. You can reduce the appeal of speeding if you don’t buy your child a car with high horsepower.
- Skip the small or mini vehicles which have little impact on safety or visibility. If possible, larger heavier cars are the way to go.
- ESC is a must in a car and a deal-breaker for any car that you check out.
- Any model or brand that has a high rating with the IIHS and/or a four-star and higher rating by the National Highway Safety Administration is a good choice.
Speak with a Virginia Beach Personal Injury Attorney Today
To learn more about how to file a Virginia personal injury claim, call Ron Kramer, a Virginia Beach catastrophic injury attorney to schedule your free consultation at (757) 802-4662.